Using an oven to recharge packs

It's important to understand that when learning how to dry desiccant packs, you must not use a microwave oven. Carefully follow the directions below to effectively dry or recharge desiccant packs up to 3 times. When recharging or regenerating Sta-Dry desiccant packs, the duration in the oven depends on how much moisture is trapped in the clay desiccant packs.


  • Check your Sta-Dri pouches weekly to see if they need to be re-charged.
  • When the pouch becomes rigid or the pouch weight is over 30% it's original weight it's time to recharge the pack.
  • Important: Do not use a microwave oven.
  • 250 degrees Fahreneit for 6 hours removes roughly 80% moisture.
  • 250 degrees Fahreneit for 8 hours removes most moisture.
  • 250 degrees Fahreneit for 12 hours removes most moisture from very heavy/stiff packs.
  • Let Sta-Dri packs cool before handling.
  • Place your Sta-Dri packs into service or store in a seal-able poly-bag.